Now You

For craft to find its way back to where it once thrived. is pioneering a unique set of robotics and interactive 3D visualisation software to open a new realm of creative possibility for individual fashion designers and small clothing brands, giving them the unique opportunity to unlock themselves from the structure of large–scale fashion corporations where they cannot fully unleash the free spirit of their craft.

Get changed. Put clothes on your virtual 3D avatar.

Try clothes on your virtual body using just your phone. The principle works on a 3D body scanner solution and game-like dressing room. Doing this, we can achieve a made-to-measure precision so the clothes just fit your body.

Reduce waste by truly on-demand production

The principle works on an automatic production line that prints, laser cuts and welds recyclable fabrics into garments right before the eyes of customers, plans to grow a network of independent, 3D fashion printing micro units distributed around the globe to serve local markets through a unified international digital platform.

Sustainability achieved by
no-waste philosophy.

As our eyes focused in on the fabric, our minds replayed the sights of the fair and one alarming picture stood out crudely – unsustainability. Fashion brands pouring out 20+ collections per year. What happens to unsold stock? The endless lines of middlemen.